On sale
A5 Temporary Tattoo
$1.50 USD - $4.00 USD
A5 Temporary Tattoo Sheets
Each set contains:
1 x King version tattoo
1 x Boss version tattoo
How to use:
Step 1: Roughly cut out the desired tattoo
Step 2: Remove the top plastic sheet
Step 3: Stick tattoo face down onto desired area on skin
Step 4: Use finger or sponge to thoroughly wet the backing paper of the tattoo bit by bit until the soaked paper becomes easy to slide off skin
Step 5 (Optional): apply baby powder or translucent powder over it for matte finish to make it look more real. Set it with hairspray or tattoo setting spray for it to last longer
ˆTattoo sheets will come mirrored so that when you put it on your skin it is viewed correctly